The Music Center Financial Aid is available for families with $60,000 or less in annual household income. You may apply by supplying either one month’s pay stubs or a copy of your most recent federal tax return. Please provide this information before the start of your lessons via email or in person.
BCreative Scholarships are offered through the Miller Foundation for children ages 3-5 & K-12 students in the Battle Creek area and pay 50% of tuition for up to one year. You can apply online at after registering with us. (NOTE: You are eligible to start lessons on the agreed-upon date while waiting for the BCreative scholarship to be approved.)
Qualifications: You must live in the Battle Creek area, with a Battle Creek address. Children ages 3-5 must list if they attend a local daycare, private daycare or no daycare. Children in K-12 must attend a Battle Creek area school.
You must register (create a pike13 account) and select day/time for lessons, then apply for the scholarship before your first lessons.
If you are signing up two or more children, they must have separate emails.
If you apply for a BCreative scholarship or indicate to the Community Music School administrative staff you are going to apply, payment information is still required for our records, even if the tuition balance after the scholarship and personal payments are applied is $0.
If funds are not received from BCreative within 30 business days of the lesson/class registration date, and there is no application on file with BCreative, the current balance due will immediately be pulled from the authorized account and the remaining balance will be divided and collected monthly over the remaining scheduled lessons.